Configure personal settings

Configure your personal settings

At you get the option to configure personal settings. To do this, you have to log in to our site using your login link provided by your chia software.

In order to receive your login link via cli, it is just one command to get it.

chia plotnft get_login_link -l <launcher id>

If you use the Chia GUI you have to display the options of your Plot NFT on the pool page.

Copy the link into your browser and you will be logged in automatically. After that you are able to see and edit your personal settings at the top of the page. Click on the gear icon to open it.

Now you can enter a nickname, your email address and your Discord username. You can also activate various alarms.

The nickname is used instead of your Launcher ID on our Leaderboard and the Recently Farmed Chia table.

We need your email address to send alarms to you. After you have entered this, you will receive a verification mail. Please click this link to activate it. Check your spam-folder if you don't receive any mail after a couple of minutes.

You find your correct Discord username in the lower left of your Discord software. Click on your name and you can paste it into your settings field. You need to verify your Discord username. To do that you need to update your profile first and then follow the description of the info container which will show up after the update. Use our # bot-talk channel or start a direct discussion with our bot.